Murphy Arts



My painting and music are my profound passions, intricately connected. I find inspiration in music while I paint, often jotting down lyric and chord progression ideas during my creative process. Transitioning seamlessly between painting and recording in my studio is a frequent occurrence. Photography is another interest close to my heart. I approach it as an observer, akin to a photography journalist, using it as a tool to explore and understand the world around me. Capturing light, movement, and the emotional essence of a scene is an integral part of my creative expression.

Paintings by Jim Murphy

My childhood was spent exploring the nearby woods, a time deeply cherished. Following high school, I journeyed from Vermont to the serene Monadnock Region in the southwest. The play of dappled light in the forest, creating intricate patterns on the ground, has always woven tales of wonder that resonate within me. Each rustle of leaves and every bird’s song carries the ancient pulse of life that speaks to my soul.

In my paintings, I endeavor to encapsulate the beauty and the profound connection to nature that stirs a deep chord within me. I aim to convey the harmonious dance of trees swaying with the breeze, the diverse textures underfoot—the solid earth’s grounding embrace or the gentle touch of moss and fallen leaves. The forest’s fragrances, ranging from earthy decay to the fresh scent of new growth, breathe vitality into my works.

My art is an invitation to share in my conversation with nature and unearth my ties to the world surrounding us. Each brushstroke unveils nature’s intricate beauty and infinite complexity, encouraging you to embrace and explore the marvels that envelop us.

Music by Jim Murphy

I grew up in a musical family. We were all interested in so many genres. Music was always playing. My friends and I started a band when we were twelve. We didn’t know anything but we eventually taught ourselves how to play our instruments and how to play as a band. I started playing as a duo with my son when he was 13 and eventually, we created Murphy’s Blues at the legendary Blues Club, The Rynborn.  I let it go during the Pandemic and then restarted it with a new group of musicians. Now I just play 4-5 times a year, but I have been spending more time in the recording part of my studio recording. 

Photography by Jim Murphy

Photography is another interest close to my heart. I approach it as an observer, akin to a photography journalist, using it as a tool to explore and understand the world around me. Capturing light, movement, and the emotional essence of a scene is an integral part of my creative expression.